Tuesday, July 26, 2011


after the completion of the bathroom and the high i was on from the bedroom rugs, i havent dont much lately. i started the big diy rug for the living room, but i am at a little bit of a crossroads on how to finish it, and to be honest i am a little burnt out.

anyhoo, i have been looking at some great diy projects and other ideas and just wanted to share. plus, once i put them on here i feel a little bit obligated to do them.

fabric banners! so cute and easy and a great way to add some color to any room.

establishing an impressive pyrex collection. arent they beautiful?? all i gotta do is hit up the thrift stores .

some sort of a cute little diy necklace hanger for the bathroom. 

diy antiqued table. ive tried this once before and failed miserably. :/

i absolutely LOVE this headboard idea. and although i couldnt do this in our room because we already have a headboard, ive been thinking of making something similar to hang above it.

(you can find out where i went to get these ideas and the how-to by clicking on the picture. it will take you to the site.)

so there ya go. a few of my most obsessed over projects. now if i could only get one done...

do you guys ever go online and get inspired to do the magnificent diy projects?? do you ever complete them??

Monday, July 11, 2011

bathroom 201: mission complete

good news friends!!!! remember how i had a little freak out about the bathroom in this post?? well, i got over my color indecisiveness and took the plunge. we painted the bathroom!!!!!!!

the colors i went with were from the disney collection at home depot.

first things first, let me just give you a little background on this project. when i had told will that i wanted to paint the bathroom, it was right after we had the living room floors laid and he was a little hesitant to begin another room. i promised him that i didnt need any of his help for the bathroom except for him to tape for me. well months and months went by and for one reason or another i still hadnt gotten around painting the bathroom. then one saturday morning i woke up and decided to bang this bad boy out. will was at work, it was hoopfest weekend, i was bored... it all made sense. so i went for it. and i stuck to my word, i did it all, except he did tape for me and he helped with the removal of the giant mirror, (that i broke while trying to take down alone). 

a few things i learned while painting a bathroom:

1.) they make primer for a reason, so use it.
2.) even though the room is small and there may not be a lot of surface area, obstacles are a pain in the ass.
3.) getting paint in your hair sucks to shampoo out.
4.) straddling a bathtub will get you to use muscles you never knew you had.
5.) when your husband says that he will remove a mirror for you, dont let your ego get in the way. 

anyway, here are some pics of the progress and mess. 

i sent this pic to will while he was at work to let him know that i was thinking about painting the bathroom.
its pretty dang orange.

all done.

i did the ceiling and all the walls except the big one in the lighter color, the big wall with the (RIP) mirror a darker orange and the trim bright white. i like it, will likes it, our friends say they like it. when it comes to sell the house, i dont know i will think it was the best move but hey, its just a bathroom right? how hard could it be to re-paint?? ha. 

here is a pretty before...

and that is that. next big job is going to be the kitchen. and then the kitchen and bathroom floors. eep!!! exciting!!!!

DIY project gone right!

even though "red rug" backwards doesent spell "success", it probably should. yesterday i was looking at my living room and decided that i wanted to take the purple out and instead focus on the green and yellow as accents. we have a huge purple shag area rug that just collects every single one of the dog's hairs and is nearly impossible to clean, and i have been more than willing to move it to the basement and replace it. so, i started online looking for a new yellow or green area rug and stumbled across this awesome DIY idea found here. i loved the simplicity of it and the open interpretation and how you can incorporate two colors in it. so, we ran to walmart, where i found not only green rugs, but red ones too!!! PERFECT! the bedroom finally gets the bedside runners that i have been searching for!!! i picked up six red rugs, nine green rugs, a spool of teal cotton yarn, a spool of brown cotton yarn and a big fatty needle. i decided to do the bedroom ones first since they were going to be smaller. it took me a lot longer than i expected, although i did a lot of unnecessary stitching. 

three rugs. $5 each from wally world.

soooo, i just stitched along all the edges of the rugs.

and it didnt matter if it was perfect, cause the imperfections sort of gave it personality.

then i stitched the rugs together, again imperfections encouraged. 

oh yeah, that spool is only $7, and it was more than enough. ive gotta think of more projects now!

and here is the final project!! :]] i love it so much!!!

and here is is in our messy bedroom.
BTW, we obviously added red as an accent color to the bedroom. i think the last time i blabbed about the bedroom it looked like this:

you can read more about that here:

...which isnt a whole lot different than it looks now, except for all the new red that adds some pizzaz.

scored those floral prints from ikea in a set of five. the other two are green and  are hanging on the living room frame wall.

fun fact: this scarf used to be my one of my favorite accessories. 

picked up this cute little treasure box at hobby lobby for $3.99. its the prefect hiding spot for my feather earrings so my cat doesnt destroy them.
so yeah, it was a complete success. now i just need to do the green one for the living room. ill be sure to post pictures when its done! 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

just a little game of catch-up

well, well, well... look who decided to blog again. ha. its been like 2 months or something crazy like that. we havent been doing much around here, but a lot has been going on, so please be patient with this very unorganized story.

part I:
so, about three weeks ago, will and myself went to go see Mogwai in seattle with our friend tony, while our other friend, shayne, house sat and watched the animals like he usually does. as soon as we got to seattle we met with some old friends and went to some neat bars and got all good and day drunk. the show was awesome and then went to go see our friend james' band play at a different bar. here are some pics!
part of the agreement of me not having to drive was that i had to sit in back the whole time and not  talk at all. ha.

pit stop.

i love seattle!

me and annie. she is gorgeous and so great!

anyway, blah, blah, blah, long story short we didnt get back to our hotel room until about 5 am. at approximately 5:45 am i woke up to will's phone ringing and it was shayne. apparently someone had thrown a brick through our back window, stole his wallet and keys off the counter and then stole his car. I WAS IN SHOCK!!! we were 5 hours away, completely helpless and probably still drunk. eeeeep. anyway, we ended up driving home after sleeping a little more and came home to find this:

glass was everywhere, and they ruined my green onions. 220 dollars later we got the window replaced and shayne ended up finding his own car four days later, and now those jerks are in jail. hallelujah! 

part II.

the weather in good old spokane has finally gotten a little bit nice. weve been mowing the lawn and weed wacking and pulling weeds and discussing what on earth to do with the gardens. we even splurged and bought one of those blower/sucker/mulchers, (the "thats what she said jokes and endless), and its been really great. we even got ambitious and hung some outdoor lights in our backyard. 
dont i have the cutest husband??? :]
i also thought it could be cute to hang little odds and ends on the fence.

so far all weve got up is a thermometer and two suns from the dollar store.

we picked up these two beauties yesterday and i am thinking they need to go join the party.

part III.
our tax return came last week so did a spur of the moment run to portland. we got to see some of our favorite people!!! 
james, sloan and charlie. i cant get enough of them!

but of course we couldnt go to portland without making a stop at ikea!!! (nothing gets me more excited than a day blown at ikea!!) pretty much we just picked up some decorative items and candles and new sheets and desks. most of this stuff isnt even unpacked but the big accomplishment was the tools for the 98% completion of the frame wall. ahhhhhhh!!!!

we need to do a little more moving around of the frames, but all the frames are finally filled, except one.
so thats what weve been up to. when i get everything all unpacked i will show you all my new treasures and go a little more into detail of what made the cut for the the frame wall.

Monday, April 25, 2011

thrift store day... and other adventures.

the other day i was bored and all alone and feeling very inspired so i went to value village, union gospel mission thrift and ross to see if there was anything that struck my fancy. oooh!!! and boy did my fancy get struck!

one of the projects that i have been dying to do is a diy table from a suitcase seen here:

weve been trying to figure out the perfect coffee table, and its been a challenge because its such a tight squeeze between the couches, so i thought that a custom suitcase table would be fun. luckly i ran across this perfectly green one at ugm.

its in great shape and was only $4.99!
the only sort of lame thing is that it has this "washington" apple sticker on it. but i  kinda like it.
it even has the key to lock it.

i went to home depot after i picked this puppy up to look for some table legs. they didnt have any i liked, so i just bought two 48in dowels that we can cut down and stain and use for legs. i gotta get will to help me with the rest of this project. i dont pre-drill holes well or cut things with saws. it freaks me out.

i also picked up some lavender seeds and two little pots while i was at home depot. i couldnt resist! 

ive been really stoked on glass cloches made from cheese plates. they are all over bloggerland, like here, and i think they are absolutely adorable. so when i stubbled across this one at value village, i couldnt pass it up.

it was only $3.99 and the plate is marble.
a quick coat of black spray paint to clean it up and it looks like new.

this little birdie is just a temporary dweller until i can find a permanent resident.

ive been drooling all over giant wall hanging letters and i almost bought these ones from urban outfitters two weeks ago, but i stumbled across these bad boys at ross and picked them up instead. 

they are a lot bigger and better quality,  i think. 
and for $3.99 each, you cant really go wrong.

i will post pictures and blab more when these great finds get homed and projects finished. :]]

Sunday, April 17, 2011

green thumb? it looks flesh colored to me.

yesterday i told you all about my painting experience gone bad and how i was going to garden to make up for it. well, ive got some pictures for you so you can follow along. 

like i said, we picked out a salsa seed kit from home deopt. we also got 2 bags of potting soil, some biodegradable starter planter thingies and 2 planters. 

the "salsa veriety pack" included: roma tomatoes, green onions, cilantro and jalapenos. 

these jiffy pots seemed pretty awesome, but we didnt end up using them. maybe on our next gardening adventure. 

i did two rows of jalapenos and a row of green onions in one planter and 2 rows of tomatoes and a row of cilantro in the other. this is our first time ever doing something like this so i hope it works out. i am thinking that i will have to do some transplanting, but thats ok.

we are going to start them indoors and then move them outside when it gets a little bit warmer, but for now their home is in the kitchen window where we can keep a close eye on them and watch them grow. 

i even made these cute little tags so we remember what is where.

about two weeks ago we were at wal-mart and i found these little starter basil kits for $5. i couldnt pass them up, so i got two. i followed all the directions (except for when it said to plant only five seeds, i dumped about 45 in there) and then 4-5 days later i had little sprouts!

it even came with this super cute little planter and a puck of dirt. ive never seen anything like the dirt puck before. 

its groooowing!!!

i havent had the best luck with plants. i either over water or under water them, but people keep telling me that veggies and herbs are a lot easier to grow, so i am giving it my best shot. we shall see...